Monday 1 October 2012

Sound Clips

Sound Motif
A sound motif is a combination of sounds and sound effects, that are associated with a particular theme or character. A good example of this is the Jaws theme tune, as when we hear the sound, we know that the shark is about to come into the scene. By using the same sound effect the clip becomes recognisable, and if we might not be watching the film, by hearing the sound we can still recognise it.

Parallel Sound
Parallel sound is the sounds we hear according to the mood of the film, for example when we see a happy scene, we expect to hear happy music, the music/background noise usually has to be the same in order to create the effect of happiness. An example of this is again in Jaws. The background noise on the beach creates the atmosphere and mood of the film, and without the sound, it wouldn't create the same effect.

Contrapuntal Sound
Contrapuntal sound is the opposite to parallel sound, its when music and visual elements play against each other. This can create a disturbing effect for the audience, as they don't know what emotion they are feeling. For example if the music is happy and slow rhythm, and the scene is violent and gory.
In this scene of 'Watchmen', happy music is used, and creates a different and unique effect.

Direct Address
Direct address, is where a certain character directly looks into the camera, and speaks some dialogue. It isn't as poplular in the film industry so I struggled to find some examples. I found an example of Miranda Hart, as she introduces her new season, and engages the audience, so then they feel part of the show.

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